Hello, world!

Hi, I'm Anahita Jamali Rad, a multi-disciplinary front-end web-developer, designer, writer, editor, and visual artist. Welcome to my web development portfolio.

a person with short dark curly hair bending over some plants in a wooded area

about me

As a web developer, I am committed to building responsive and accessible websites and applications. I am curious, analytic, creative, and thoughtful in my approach to any task, while being dedicated to challenging myself and expanding my abilities.

If I see a need for something, I will find a way to make it a reality. I have a DIY sensibility that I’ve carried from making zines as a teenager to starting and publishing a journal and later a small press. I love to find creative solutions to any problem, be it home improvement or clean code.

For information on my various projects, click here.


click on a project above to see more information

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • git

  • javascript

  • react

  • accessibility

  • SCSS